Velkommen / Welcome
Tunnelservice ApS knytter sig op af, og har etableret samarbejde med, Nordic Marine Service A/S,, der – ud over at være den administrative tovholder og vil forestå markedsføring – stiller egen baggrund, viden, teknisk rådgivning og netværk til rådighed for Tunnelservice ApS og samarbejdspartnere, og vil sammensætte passende hold af samarbejdspartnere, evt. i samarbejde med forskellige leverandørnetværk, og arbejde for at løfte de opgaver, Tunnelservice ApS finder det passende at deltage i.
Alle samarbejdspartnere skal medvirke aktivt i egne som fælles bestræbelser og være parate til at dele viden og samarbejde med andre af de til Tunnelservice ApS tilknyttede samarbejdspartnere.
På siden "Samarbejdspartnere" vil den enkelte samarbejdspartner kunne finde sig selv og se, hvilke andre virksomheder, der allerede er med, og hvilke virksomhedstyper, Tunnelservice ApS kunne forestille sig ville passe ind i forretningskonceptet, så vi står så stærke som muligt og når vi byder os til over for kunderne.
Tunnelservice ApS vil have adresse på Vestre Kaj 2, 4970 Rødbyhavn.
Tunnelservice ApS is associated with and has established a cooperation with, Nordic Marine Service A/S,, who – besides being the administrative coordinator and doing the marketing - put own background, knowledge, technical advisory and network at the disposal of Tunnelservice ApS and it´s partners of cooperation, and will put together the right team(s) and, maybe in cooperation with supplier networks, in order to engage in the tasks or projects that Tunnelservice ApS consider being suitable to participate in.
All partners of cooperation are supposed to participate actively in own as well as mutual efforts and be ready to share knowledge and cooperate with other of the – to Tunnelservice ApS – associated partners of cooperation.
On the page "Samarbejdspartnere" (partners of cooperation), you may find yourselves presentated and see which other companies already being on board and what types of businesses, we envisage that would fit into our business concept, in which way we become as strong as possible, when approaching the customers.
Tunnelservice ApS will have address at Vestre Kaj 2, DK-4970 Rødbyhavn.
Tunnelservice ApS target on becoming one of the leading partners of cooperation for those main and turnkey contractors who are going to become involved in building the Fehmarn connection, hereunder of course the tunnel itself. The tasks or contracts may cover services, smaller contracts, etc., and will be offered being delivered or performed before, during as well as after the construction phase.
Tunnelservice ApS will furthermore target on tasks on the forthcoming new bridge crossing Storstroem as well as Roskilde Fjord connection (bridge) at Frederikssund.
Tunnelservice ApS will also target on tasks in connection with South Harbour Metro in Copenhagen.
Tunnelservice ApS will also try to achieve some jobs in connection with the many Danish rail- and tramway projects, being tendered the coming years.
Tunnelservice ApS will specifically focus on jobs and tasks under the water surface as well as specialist (concrete) jobs, demanding something extraordinary.